Tuesday, May 10, 2016

more rain, but no storm right here

60º here in Clarinda, IA and partly cloudy.

Had very heavy clouds
yesterday evening, and watch on Phone Radar and on TV many cells of heavy rain running north just to the west of us.  One finally rained
here.  Just dumped .4" rain out of gauge.
Yesterday morning I dumped .8" rain from that gauge.

Watched a lot of reports of tornadoes south of Lincoln, NE and as much as 6" of rain in that area.

Rode 3.75 miles on trike Sunday and had ridden 2 miles day before, but quit account the smoke in the air from the fire in northern Canada was pretty thick.  I have meant to write down somewhere - will do here - had 1,765 miles on odometer on my trike when we got back to Clarinda early April.  Have 1,785 now, so not putting on as many as when we were in Texas.  Lots bett
er place to ride there!
Scoped knee without wrap.  3 puncture woulds with sutures.  Assume he was looking through one on right and using tools on two on the left, which would be under the knee cap, to do the cleaning up of scar tissue and arthritis.

Here are some photos from
a trip we took in May of

My sister, Louise.  (She
passed away in May of 2008)

Phyllis' cousin Lester Kuelman, his
wife to the left, and our
daughter, Michelle between
Phyllis & Stan.

Later, Lynn

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