Sunday, December 20, 2015

Weekend before Christmas

78 degrees and mostly overcast in La Feria, TX at 2:00 pm this Sunday afternoon.

Filled with gas in Harlingen this afternoon at $165 per gallon.

After eating lunch 
(Supreme 10" Pizza) at
Stefano's we went
grocery shopping.
was picking
up some paper
goods for the Rec
Hall while we
were there.

Yesterday, while riding the 14.4 miles I did during the whole day, came upon Lee Miles on his electric scooter--with the battery down.  Pushed him home so he could plug it in to the charger.

Had to dry out several
towels and a rug from
the bathroom after couple
of leaks broke out at coupling
of the PEX pipe at shut-off.
Replaced the fittings with
proper PEX fittings and, whalla, no
more leak!

 Wednesday evening we had Pot-Luck supper
with a pretty good turn-out and lots
of variety of delicious food.

After the pot-luck
we played Pegs & Jokers
at Neher's with them
and the Raab's.

Harvested first couple meals
of lettuce off the "Salad Bar"
on the north side of my shop
this week.
Had enough for
salad for
two meals!

Neighbor Bill
Winslow examining
the 4-wheel 
cycle that neighbor Ardel
Finken just unloaded
off the truck - a Christmas
present sent by his daughter. 
Marian is to the
left of the cycle.
It has electric-powered
push-wheel at the back
that can be used by itself
or to assist you when
you are both pedaling.

Yesterday morning was breakfast at
the Rec-Hall.  At left Jan Engle from
Indiana, is walking behind Don
Ferguson from Ansley, NE as
he keeps the orange juice cups
filled.  He also brewed
coffee for all.

People going into the kitchen
to pick up their eggs and
bisquits with sausage

Felix Paterick, from Arkansas,
Merve Stoufer from Ontario, CA,
and Pat Sumner from Kansas
serve up the

Weather has been generally really nice - dipping into the 40's some nights but mostly
into the 50's and then up to upper 70's or lower 80's during the days.
Still have not had any real rain for about 5 weeks now, so a little dry.

More later, Lynn

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