Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve - 2015

La Feria, TX - 80º at 10 am and 86% humidity.  A sauna out there!  (3:30pm - now it is 90º and humidity of 58%)
Yesterday though the temperature was in the high 80's the humidity dropped to 32% in the afternoon.  This high humidity makes it a little uncomfortable this morning.

I got 15.24 miles on the Trike yesterday, but will wait a bit for riding today, maybe after dark this evening - after the Christmas Eve Program at the Rec Hall.

Some of the people at the 8:00 am morning stretching exercise.

Some of the people at the 8:00 am morning stretching exercise.

Started to clean
out the leaves from
the roof of the carport;
decided to order a long
vacuum hose so can handle
it a little easier -- especially at the
lower end where it is tough to 
get out of the area of the gutter.

Wednesday night we played
Pegs & Jokers at the Raabs.

Butch Giesking, Phyllis, Bob
& Bobbi Raab

Bob and Bobbi Raab

Harold and Larhoda
 Butch Giesking

Phyllis just gave me
her camera to download
photos she took yesterday
at the Rec Hall - and I
discovered these two
she had taken November 11th!
in the back yard.

 Yesterday Phyllis attended a "Cookie Exchange" at the Rec Hall.  Here are the photos she took.

Click on any photo to enlarge.

We both participate in the Christmas Eve Program this evening at the Rec Hall and get to attend the Christmas noon meal at the Rec Hall tomorrow -- without working it, just relaxing with some neighbors.

Later, Lynn

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