Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Day 2015

83 degrees at La Feria, Texas               Click on any photo to enlarge.

 Last night was the Christmas Eve program.  I got snared into being Santa for the short skit on Kneeling Santa.

This is dressed and waiting in another room.
 Program consisted
of several readings and
songs as a group and
duets.  Phyllis was in
a duet while I was kneeling
at the crib--she wasn't able
to get picture of that.

Santa thinking (as his thoughts and conversation with God was read by the emcee)

Santa at the end
of the skit - remained
in this position while
a duet was sung.

Program ended
with lighted candles.

Photo at right was taken
off Facebook from a Clarinda, IA
friend who took it of the Candle
Light Service at our home church
in Clarinda, Iowa last night.

Phyllis provided
the center-piece
for the cookie table
at our Kenwood Christmas
Eve program.

 Today, for the first
time in several years,
Phyllis was not in
charge of cooking and
serving the Christmas
noon meal for the Park.
Following are various photos taken today while waiting to eat and during the meal.

Sharleen and Lynn Stivers,
from Callaway, Nebraska,
were at our table.

Had this photo taken of us and have
put it as our Profile Photo on Facebook.

 Had a huge selection of pot-luck dishes provided by the park residents, in addition to the turkey, ham and dressing provided by Kenwood RV Park.   Plenty of food and conversation was had by the approximately 120 people in the hall.  Nap was in order this afternoon, especially with the high humidity and temperature in the mid to upper 80's with very sunny sky.

Took this photo at 10:34 am on Christmas Day 2015 -- 83% humidity at 79 degrees.  Temp went up and humidity went down to 67% right now at 5:27 pm. with temperature at 82º.

We had a very
full moon last night
after the Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas to all -  Later, Lynn

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