Friday, September 25, 2015

September slippin' on by

73º in Clarinda, IA -  Looking rainy, but radar not showing much coming.

Had a tire off the trailer and this praying mantis came strolling around.

Had the wheel off so could remove the temporary mud flap I put on before our trip with the better one Richard Messer made when we were at his place in Minnesota, but elected not to remove the wheel so we could drill through the support to hang the mud flap.

And the mudflap that Richard put on.

Phyllis' sister, Beth, and husband Steve, spent the weekend with us, though were gone to events most of the time.  It was Steve's 50th Class Reunion for the Clarinda High School.

    The "formal portrait" of Beth & Steve Gregory.

`Spent way too much time this last week turning this live Prostrate Spurge into........................................................................
this pulled by the root dead Prostrate Spurge.  Sprayed 2,4D on it and the Dandelions, but it didn't seem to have total effect.

Tuesday afternoon we picked up Patty Steckelberg and drove to Nebraska City, picked up a new cable to replace the broken gear shifter cable for my trike, then on to Omaha, NE where we attended Lanny & Carol Weeklend's square dance.  Jerry Junk, from Wayne, NE called with him.

 Last night we drove to Villisca for church supper and then
played Skip Bo cards with Mary Jo and Oliver Herzberg.

I don't recall when I started this particular blog, but it is now Friday afternoon.  79 degrees and I dumped .4" of rain this morning from the rain gauge and the same .4" yesterday morning.

Have started some work on ceiling in shop--if it works out will take some of the same scrap plywood I have to Kenwood and put it on the ceiling in the new Texas room.

Maybe later, Lynn

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