Sunday, September 13, 2015

Home, after 3 months on the road

Clarinda, IA   Got to our place about 3:15 this afternoon.   Had stayed in our trailer in the driveway at our son, Cameron & Patty's place since Wednesday night at Marengo, Iowa - near Iowa City.  We dumped the gray and black tanks at the city dump at the airport and on home where we set the trailer up in front of the shop and plugged in the electricity until we get the refrigerator emptied and do the clean-up.

Drove the pickup jus under 10,000 miles since we left here June 15, 2015.  Saw a lot of things, lots of people and had had lots of good experiences.  Will be a bit strange sleeping in such a big room tonight--about as much square feet in our bedroom as our entire travel trailer!

Went down to the Lied Center and on a bike ride with several others and then had a "grill your own meat" and share side dishes supper with the group.

Will try to get the photos and all the facts and figures together.

Later, Lynn

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! Glad you had a safe trip. Was nice you came through MN and stayed one night in our yard. Looking forward to seeing you in TX!


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