Friday, September 18, 2015

Almost a week in our Clarinda home

60º and intermittent rain in Clarinda.  Had been in the upper 80's the last few days, is welcome cool and we needed the rain.  Found a lot of dandelions and Prostrate Spurge growing in the lawn.  Had a guy mow the lawn, but didn't mention the weeds, so guess they didn't bother him.

 While riding the trikes back from the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening after Choir Practice took these photos of the clouds here in Iowa.

The back of our property has hedge growing from the east to the west side -- and grow it did this summer.  Was over 8 feet tall in places.  I spent quite a bit of time over about 5 days (luckily the batteries only last so long when running the clippers) and have it sort of in control now. 

There is a mulberry tree right behind the bedroom that really grew during the summer so cut what I could with hand clippers.

Finally getting used to bigger rooms, not standing beside each other as we do anything like in the travel trailer.
Not setting up the trailer every day or so and dumping the tanks, etc.  Getting used to it until we take off the middle of October on a slow trip down to our Texas home.  Got the Hot Tub refilled and warmed and using it -- missed it when we were traveling.

Phyllis' sister, Beth & her husband Steve are here for his 50th High School Reunion this weekend.  Will probably not see a lot of them as they have activities pretty much all the time.

Later, Lynn

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