Friday, September 25, 2015

September slippin' on by

73º in Clarinda, IA -  Looking rainy, but radar not showing much coming.

Had a tire off the trailer and this praying mantis came strolling around.

Had the wheel off so could remove the temporary mud flap I put on before our trip with the better one Richard Messer made when we were at his place in Minnesota, but elected not to remove the wheel so we could drill through the support to hang the mud flap.

And the mudflap that Richard put on.

Phyllis' sister, Beth, and husband Steve, spent the weekend with us, though were gone to events most of the time.  It was Steve's 50th Class Reunion for the Clarinda High School.

    The "formal portrait" of Beth & Steve Gregory.

`Spent way too much time this last week turning this live Prostrate Spurge into........................................................................
this pulled by the root dead Prostrate Spurge.  Sprayed 2,4D on it and the Dandelions, but it didn't seem to have total effect.

Tuesday afternoon we picked up Patty Steckelberg and drove to Nebraska City, picked up a new cable to replace the broken gear shifter cable for my trike, then on to Omaha, NE where we attended Lanny & Carol Weeklend's square dance.  Jerry Junk, from Wayne, NE called with him.

 Last night we drove to Villisca for church supper and then
played Skip Bo cards with Mary Jo and Oliver Herzberg.

I don't recall when I started this particular blog, but it is now Friday afternoon.  79 degrees and I dumped .4" of rain this morning from the rain gauge and the same .4" yesterday morning.

Have started some work on ceiling in shop--if it works out will take some of the same scrap plywood I have to Kenwood and put it on the ceiling in the new Texas room.

Maybe later, Lynn

Friday, September 18, 2015

Almost a week in our Clarinda home

60º and intermittent rain in Clarinda.  Had been in the upper 80's the last few days, is welcome cool and we needed the rain.  Found a lot of dandelions and Prostrate Spurge growing in the lawn.  Had a guy mow the lawn, but didn't mention the weeds, so guess they didn't bother him.

 While riding the trikes back from the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening after Choir Practice took these photos of the clouds here in Iowa.

The back of our property has hedge growing from the east to the west side -- and grow it did this summer.  Was over 8 feet tall in places.  I spent quite a bit of time over about 5 days (luckily the batteries only last so long when running the clippers) and have it sort of in control now. 

There is a mulberry tree right behind the bedroom that really grew during the summer so cut what I could with hand clippers.

Finally getting used to bigger rooms, not standing beside each other as we do anything like in the travel trailer.
Not setting up the trailer every day or so and dumping the tanks, etc.  Getting used to it until we take off the middle of October on a slow trip down to our Texas home.  Got the Hot Tub refilled and warmed and using it -- missed it when we were traveling.

Phyllis' sister, Beth & her husband Steve are here for his 50th High School Reunion this weekend.  Will probably not see a lot of them as they have activities pretty much all the time.

Later, Lynn

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Home, after 3 months on the road

Clarinda, IA   Got to our place about 3:15 this afternoon.   Had stayed in our trailer in the driveway at our son, Cameron & Patty's place since Wednesday night at Marengo, Iowa - near Iowa City.  We dumped the gray and black tanks at the city dump at the airport and on home where we set the trailer up in front of the shop and plugged in the electricity until we get the refrigerator emptied and do the clean-up.

Drove the pickup jus under 10,000 miles since we left here June 15, 2015.  Saw a lot of things, lots of people and had had lots of good experiences.  Will be a bit strange sleeping in such a big room tonight--about as much square feet in our bedroom as our entire travel trailer!

Went down to the Lied Center and on a bike ride with several others and then had a "grill your own meat" and share side dishes supper with the group.

Will try to get the photos and all the facts and figures together.

Later, Lynn

Thursday, September 10, 2015

In Marengo, IA for few days

70 degrees here just west of Marengo, IA.  We left the Lincoln State Park northwest of Springfield, IL yesterday and drove nearly all the way to the quad-cities without getting on the Interstate.  Little traffic and mostly 4-lane roads; even where 2-lane little traffic and saw a lot of farmsteads and farm fields.  Stopped near Walcott, IA where we had purchased our trailer in April and left the TV that came with the trailer and put in a claim for it.  Had had to buy a new one in upper New York state when the original quit.  Bought a new tail light for the trailer--had stepped on it when going up the ladder to sweep "stuff" off the slide when we were packing up one time.  It is just behind one of the steps and I had somehow avoided it the other 4 or 5 times had gone up.  Will note to watch it when using the ladder now.
Then stopped at a Costco in Coralville, IA (They have a covered parking lot) and then Walgreen's.  Lined up by phone a tour of the Kinsey manufacturing plant for 10 am today.

Will get some photos on the computer of the two capitols we toured and also from yesterday.  Understand we can take photos in the Kinsey plant today.

Parked the trailer in driveway of our son Cameron's place where we will stay until Sunday morning.

Later, Lynn

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Toured state Capitols

Toured the Indiana Capital yesterday morning and then the Illinois Capital in the afternoon. Drove in some really hard rain near Springfield.

overnight 22 miles NW of Springfield in a State Park. To Walcott, IA to the dealer where we got the trailer.

Monday, September 7, 2015

In Indianapolis, IN for the night.

92 degrees and not a cloud in site.  Set up in campground with good 30 amp electricity, so A/C is blowing.  A/C is sure a wonderful invention!

Spent 5 nights at Noble County Fairgrounds in Kendallville, IN and heard most of what was advertised as 27.5 hours of Blue Grass Music.

Picked up this morning and ran down the Interstate (Spent much of the last 3 months looking at countryside, but wanted to get where we are going today.  Will visit Jackie Hendricks - friend of Harold Book's - this evening and then tour the Indiana State Capitol here in town tomorrow.

Later, Lynn

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Still at At Tri-State Bluegrass Festival in Kendallville, IN

Some mighty-fine blue-grass music goin' on here!

Had a pretty good shower this morning, but stage and seating are all under roof. This photo was taken last night--there wasn't anyone sitting outside this afternoon.  (though now at 4:15 PM the sun is shining)

Last evening we went for a bit at the "Old style Squaredance" they had in one of the Fairground Buildings.  It was where one couple at a time go around the square with their activities at each couple.  Didn't care much for it.

Yesterday we drove some 30 miles south to Grabil, Indiana to our next-door-Texas-neighbors Ardel & Marian Finken.  Other friends from the Texas RV Park drove some 15 miles from their place - Dave & Jan Engle.  We enjoyed visiting and went out to eat; an enjoyable several-hours.
Was back to our trailer in time to eat supper and listen to most of the 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM session of the bands pictured at the first of this blog-post.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

At Tri-State Bluegrass Festival in Kendallville, IN

73º at 8:50 am in Kendallville, IN

Click on photos to enlarge; click on blue links to go to websites.
Yesterday - Wednesday, we went with Maxine Koch and her sister Judy Chroninger to the Historic Sauder Village in Archbold, OH
Though we were told a couple hours would "do" the  whole village, when we were there on Tuesday, we started when the opened at 10:00 am, took a break for lunch in their Barn Restaurant, and walked until after 3 pm.  The entire village is "manned" by people dressed in the time period of the 1800's and do a good job of explaining each building.

Erie Sauder started a little woodworking business in 1934 and it has grown into a huge business  CLICK FOR WEBSITE that has 4 million square feet of buildings and over 2,000 employees, primarily making RTA (Ready to Assemble) furniture.   We drove by the manufacturing area, but did not take time to do a factory tour.  Maybe next time we are through this area.

 This man explained the 1840's church we were in and then sat down and played "Amazing Grace" on the pump organ.

This lady was making corn-brooms

 School house

 Chiropractor telling of the events in the 1840's in his office.

88 degrees as I continue this at 4:20 pm Thursday.  We went to Shipshiwana, IN this morning; did some looking-shopping at big bulk food Amish/Menonite run store.  Drove different way back through the country.  Lots of beans turning--harvest not too far away.  This area has been real dry and the beans and corn, by & large, are pretty short.

Batteries and inverter in basement of a home.

One of many treadle sewing machines

In the general store.

In print shop

In 1800's farm home

I remember one of these in our house near Lodi, Nebraska.

This is now Friday morning as I finally finish this post and we are getting ready to leave the Fairgrounds and drive to Grabil, IN to meet with Marian and Ardel Finken & Dave and Jan Engle for lunch.

Later, Lynn

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...