Saturday, April 25, 2015

Visit to Hiawatha, KS

Clarinda, IA  50 degrees with off-and-on rain.  Phyllis dumped .4 inch from gauge this morning.

Click any photos to enlarge.

Yesterday, Friday, we drove a little over 100 miles south (down to St. Joe, MO and then west on 36) to near Hiawatha, Kansas to Harold & LaRhoda Neher's place.  They are our next-door neighbors in Kenwood RV in La Feria, Texas and we hadn't seen them for a month or so.  -  At right are the Neher's with Rocky.

After visiting for some time, LaRhoda put on a banquet lunch.  Smoked pork chops, cheesy potatoes, creamed asparagus, salad; a true "thrasher's dinner". 

Harold admiring my camera (you taking pictures again?)

Played several games of Pegs and Jokers -- Burl and Donna Penny came over after lunch for the games.  Had to stop for home-made ice cream and apricot cobbler and then played some more.  Ended with tie of 3-3 so nobody were losers.

Had several people ask for pictures of our "new" pickup.  Was going to wait until got the topper on it in a few weeks, but here are a couple photos of it the way we bought it.  2012 Chevy Silverado 1500 LT.  This 3-year old pickup had only 2447 miles on it, had belonged to one of our neighbors here in 
Clarinda and it hardly got out of town.  Is half-ton with gas 5.3 engine.  It is the extended cab, which has the back doors that open only when the front door is open, but with just the two of us, think this will be fine.  Size will be adequate for the 5,000 GVW travel trailer we will be pulling.  Ordered the topper from outfit in Omaha and they have each one custom made in Indiana to fit this year and model/color.

Phyllis had quilted this bedspread for LaRhoda this winter while we were in Texas and had not finished the shams (Pillow cases) so delivered them and took these photos of the completed quilt on their guest bed.

These two photos were taken a week apart.  The hedge in the back yard is really filling out.

Last several days have worked on our new travel trailer - putting up shelves, towel racks, TP hanger, removing one cup-holder off end of couch that was in the way of Phyllis getting around her side of bed; the oven was smaller than in our last trailer and the stone wouldn't fit that is used to even out the heat.  Used a diamond-covered hack saw to take two inches off the side so it does fit.

Not raining outside now, but very overcast.  Puttering on computer and will putter some more with trailer.

Later, Lynn


  1. Nice pickup! The quilt really turned out pretty didn't it! Nice here in MN today. Saw Illa Mae's obit on Gunderson Funeral home web site! Thanks for letting us know.

  2. Nice truck, low miles should serve you well. We had a topper on our Chevy that I could tilt open sideways. Made it easier to access the box behind the cab.

  3. That is really unheard of, a three year old truck with less than 1000 miles a year! You really scored the deal of the century because you probably still have all the power train warranty's from the manufacturer still in place. Great job getting the 2012 Chevy Silverado 1500 LT, you will have many years of fun with this truck, especially if you are towing anything.


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...