Monday, April 27, 2015

Bright Sunshine in SW Iowa

Clarinda, IA 65 degrees with bright sunshine.  Was 35 degrees when woke up and a bit brisk, but this is better.

Lilac bush just off our back deck.  Blooms are a bit small, but really vibrant and dark colored.

This afternoon is an "outside day" and I mowed the yard and then put down fertilizer with weed killer in it.  I took this picture from the lawn mower of Phyllis washing front picture window on house.

 Last evening we had dinner guests -- Cork and Lyn Sliger from Grant, Iowa.  Cork was like a "big brother" to Phyllis when he lived with her folks to finish high school in Clarinda when his folks moved to Kansas City back in the late 1950's or maybe 1960.  He worked the farm with father-in-law Melvin Cabbage for that year and has remained friends over the years, though we had not seen them for quite some time.
 Phyllis and Cork caught up with what has been happening the last few years.  Though Cork tried retirement (from semi-truck driving) several years ago, that didn't work out.  He still works for the trucking company, in Bedford, IA, around the shop and doing some special hauling.  Said he would be hauling some display items to a Truck Trade Show in Pennsylvania in a few weeks.

View from our front door with the trailer sitting in front of my shop/storage shed.

Would say that these trees are on our property, but they aren't.  Downloaded photo from the net, think they are cherry blossoms.

Breakfast this morning.

Later, Lynn


  1. Our lilac bushes don't even have leaves yet! Patiently waiting.

  2. Our Lilac bushes have leafed, but blossoms aren't out yet. One bush isn't even leafed yet 5/11/15.


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...