Thursday, April 23, 2015

Little cool in SW Iowa

Clarinda, IA  32 degrees earlier 51 and sunny now.  Been cool every morning, but warms to the 60's in afternoon.

 Went to Circle 8 Square Dance last night here in Clarinda - last dance for the season.  Even though Phyllis & I are not members anymore (We are gone to Texas during majority of their dancing season) we served, along with Jack and Karen Baumgarten as hosts.  Caller was Chris Wildhagen from St. Joe, MO

 Seems have spent much time on doing one of my least favorites things -- yard work.  At our Texas home the Mexican crew shows up every Monday to mow the grass - albeit not the best job - and all we do is keep clean around the flower bushes and the cactus plants.  And, of course, it is a much smaller yard.
 The first cutting was so tall in the main area right in front of the house that had trouble with bagging it, so cut with the riding mower and then came back and ran over, at least 2 times, with the bagger to get the grass and last fall's leaves picked up.

Doing the second mowing, still using the push mower with the bagging attachment, Phyllis offered to help, so I let her.  I was kept busy hauling off the grass/leaves to the compost pile right behind the hedge row in the back yard.

Birds feeding near the back deck.

Squirrel helping himself to the bird feed.

Attended  funeral service for our friend Phyllis Mayer in Shenandoah.

Put up ladder and went along both sides of this 36' long shop to clean the gutters.

 Went to Omaha Monday and ordered a new truck topper for the pickup we bought last week.  Will be couple weeks before it gets in.  Will have it all set up before we pull out with the trailer on May 17th.

Later, Lynn

1 comment:

  1. You need to have Josie come and visit. She'd give that squirrel a run for its money. She hasn't caught one yet but she sure tries! What kind of pick up did you get, Lyle wants to know.


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...