Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Day 2025


57 degrees, heavy overcast, windy.  Couple days ago the high was 93 degrees, yesterday morning it was 53 when we woke up.  20 mph or higher winds out of the north.  Nothing to shovel, though.

Meet Butch -- short haircut this morning.  This was while we were eating at Sam's Club after shopping.

Had our second concert with barbershop chorus Men & Women of A-Chord last evening.  All members were present and we got a photo!!

Yesterday afternoon the group that attends the Kenwood Iowa Summer Rally in State Center met and decided  from Tuesday August 5th at supper through Friday August 8 at Breakfast and Lola Shoppe's KeLo RV Park in State Center, Iowa.  Last year or so has been small turn out but several want to have it again. 

Wednesday we went to Progreso, Tamaulipas, Mexico to the dentist for our annual teeth cleaning.  I had a tooth break off last May 7th and wondered if they could glue it back in.  They x-rayed it and took a look at the decay on the bottom tooth (it was a cap), dug it out, drilled and put in a post for an implant.  I went back Thursday morning and got the plate with one tooth on it.  Not enthused about it, but will put up with it until sometime this next November when I return and they will put the permanent tooth on the post.

Have Patty's bike back in
storage until next year.

 Patty had to return to Kansas City February 3rd, the day after we got back from our cruise account her niece in Kansas City being put on hospice--and passing about the time Patty was landing in Kansas City.  She is staying with her sister there for some family time.

Our drugstore in Progreso

Walking into area of our dentist.  Their office
is through the glass doors above the blue at left

Looking west from bridge over Rio Grande River.
Nearly dry from the drought, no water visible under us

Above is where we walk up from parking lot,
at right is where we pay $1 and start walking
across the bridge.

Arial view of where we park in Texas, walk south across the bridge to dentist office in Mexico.  Our pharmacy is a half-block south of the dentist office.- I am guessing we walk a quarter mile from the parking lot to our dentist's office and a bit further to the pharmacy (and next door to the source for 
Spanish peanuts)

Tonight we will go to the Valentine's Day supper at the Rec Hall that Tom & Lisa Urban, with friends, are putting on.

Till next time, Lynn

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