Saturday, November 30, 2024

Cool weather in the RGV after Thanksgiving

 64º here in La Feria, TX at 11:45 am on Saturday.  Last few days have been cool.  Now it is 68º at 4:00 pm.  As usual, I drifted off.

Colorful - the white/green leaves are on the
variegated Bougainvillea

One thing I did was water the Bougainvillea in the back yard., even though there is a forecast for next few days that includes slight chance of rain, this area is in a drought..  
Colorful as I've seen
Have been watering them about every ten days and they sure have bright color.  The off-red ones are from the variegated Bougainvillea plants which haven't had many leaves or blooms since we planted them, but now the one is really something.

Also filled the bird bath near the front of the house

Our table with the Messer's and
their daughter & son-in-law

Lot of share dishes

Stuffed Jalapenos were provided by Gary

Last Tuesday, as we were coming home from
barbershop chorus practice in McAllen we spotted
this trail from the rocket that was fired some 50
miles southeast of our place by Spacex.
We had about 35 people at the noon meal at the Rec Hall for Thanksgiving.

I found a fun pastime with Paint by Numbers on the computer.  Here are a couple I've finished

Till next time - LCM

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