Saturday, March 23, 2024

Men & Women of A-Chord last performance & year-end gathering with other activities

 Well, this is different -- it is 93º with a "feel like" of 89º (low humidity) here in La Feria, TX at 4:30 pm Friday.  Have worked several hours today and yesterday on photos; don't have them all edited, but will go ahead and post this blog.

Last Monday evening we had our last Men & Women of A-Chord Barbershop Chorus performance.  It was 42 miles west of where we live and with all the construction between here and there it took us nearly an hour and a half to get there.  I was supposed to help carry in and set up the risers and help with sound system.  They were already done.....but did help after it was over.

Our director took ill and was in the hospital on Sunday; got home Monday morning, but knew he could not do the directing.  We had a lady join our group just last fall who is a retired grade-school music teacher.  She also now directs choirs in two different churches here in the Valley as well as a Bell Choir.  She was quite nervous; she had not directed us, or any of this music nor us before.

With only about an 8-hour notice, she was very nervous, but pulled it off and we had a successfull show.  As she said, she new her part (which is lead-she normally stands in front of Phyllis and two risers in front of me in Lead section) and was not always at the right spot to bring in the other three sections.  But, everyone  worked with her and we did it.  The director had diverticulits and it isn't known how serious it is right now.  He has one more practice scheduled (will be working on a few new numbers for the 2025 performances) but anxious to see if he can make it.

Director Bob Lemkuil

On Tuesday we all got togerther for our year-end bash at a nice Italian Restaurant in Mission, TX.  About 40, including spouses, attended the lunchen at 1:00 pm.  Bob was able to make it, but was not feeling the best. He is 87 years old and doesn't come back from things like he used to.  He was very appreciative of everything the group has done this year.  We have built back up to around 30 at practices, but with many of them being new ones we have only had about 17 to 21 at performances.  Quite a few ladies have come to practice just the last couple weeks, will see if they return this fall.

Some random pictures of our gatheriing.

At left is Bob Wiese and his wife Mrcia.  They have had a mobile home in Snow to Sun RV Park about 10 miles west of us .  For the last 7 years Bob has car pooled with me (and a few others in his park and the last 3 years Phyllis also).  It is another .25 miles from his paark to where we practice very Tuesday from 1st of November to end of March.  Anyway, with his age (86) and some recognizable age-related slow downs, they sold their mobile home and don't plan to come back to the Valley next year.  He said the had been coming down here 17 years.  So it was his last time with the Chorus.  A bittersweet time.

Thinking I may need this sign at our place!

Lady had a frame for us to hold
and she took our picture.

Thursday was the annual "Tourist Appreciation Day" in Progreso, MX.  We went early and avoided the crowd.
This was the parking lot a little after 8 am
When we left about 12:30 it was closed as
being full and on other side of road was
full clear to the west side!

This guy was with some fellows collecting
for a Charity.  He couldn't believe I was
using a camera instead of the phone.

Well, it is almost time to leave for choir practice (9:15 am Saturday)  Will quit here even though not done.  More later, Lynn

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