Saturday, October 21, 2023

Nice fall day in Southwest Iowa

 You don't really have to drive anywhere to see fall color in trees if you live in Southwest Iowa!

Series of photos taken at our place or within a half-mile of our house over the last few days.  Click on photo to enlarge.

This photo and five below were taken in the railroad cut just north of the hedge in our back yard.   In photo at right, our house is in the upper left coorner of photo.

That tall stump in middle
of the photo is the Mulberry
Tree we cut down several
years ago.
Looking west through what
was a railroad cut in the
hill.  Railroad has been
abandoned and picked up
for at least 70 years.

Our shop building and house
are at top of bank on left side.

At left and below show last mowing of the year.

Rose bush was brushing the siding

and window frame.  Tied them

further away.

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