Saturday, October 28, 2023

In Texarkana, Arkansas for the night

 73 degrees and very humid (89%) at 8:00 pm in Texarkana, Arkansas at 8:00 pm on Saturday evening..  Drove the 445 miles today--first 100 miles or so under clouds.  Left Cape Girardeau about 8:15 am and by 9:45 am started to rain.  Drove in rain (mostly hard rain where traffic was moving at about 50 mph) and at one location in Arkansas on Interstate 40 there was about 15 miles of stop-and-go traffic that took us about an hour.  Finally got to the front of it and discovered a semi-truck in the passing lane with a wrecker hooking up to it.  Finally ran out of the rain about 5:00 pm; got to our park here about 6:05 pm.

Had this semi-load of cotton bales, direct from the field, pass us in northern Arkansas.

Dined last night with brother Don & his wife Vicki at their dining area in the Assisted Living portion of Chateau Girardeau care facility.

Vicki is having considerable eye trouble and having to have eyedrops put in one eye four times a day.

After supper we played a game of dominoies with Don & Vicki.

After the dominoe game we visited a bit and got them to pose for a photo.
Don is even more remote than a few months ago when we visited.  Don't suppose he said a dozen words the whole time we were with them.  Vicki had been stressed over the facility taking her curling iron away from her after finding it for the fourth time running while it laid on a cleanex box by the cleaining lady when Vicki was out of the apartment.  Phyllis helped her find a new one with a built in automatic timer that will shut off after a given time after being used.  This will satisfy the facility as all residences who have curling irons are required to have one with an automatic shutoff.  Vicki was in a better mood by time we left Friday.

We plan on being another 475 miles down the road tomorrow, staying in an RV Park near Victoria, Texas Sunday night.  Have only 200 miles then on Monday so should get to our home in La Feria, Texas by noon and have the afternoon to open up that place and move all our "stuff" from the trailer and the pickup into that Mobile home and attached sun room.
Later, Lynn

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