Monday, October 30, 2023

In our winter home in Kenwood RV Park in La Feria, Texas

 46 degrees here in La Feria, TX at our home at 7:30 pm.  Got here just after 2 pm today, Monday after spending night in Victoria, TX.  Worked until about 6 pm unloadiing all our stuff out of the trailer and pickup, and opening up the house here.  Just like a moving van, took forever; have much in the house, but not all put where it belongs.  Will finish up tomorrow.  Feet and every muscle we own are hurting.  

Actually drove in some sunshine yesterday afternoon.  Most of our driving on this trip has been in rain.  About 1,750 miles from our home in Clarinda the way we came through Cape Girardeau, MO; direct Clarinda to La Feria is about 1,235 miles.  But we got to spend some time with brother Don & his wife Vicki.  Very windy today with wind from the north and cold.  Was 43 when we woke up in Victoria this morning.

Will catch up tomorrow.  Lynn

Saturday, October 28, 2023

In Texarkana, Arkansas for the night

 73 degrees and very humid (89%) at 8:00 pm in Texarkana, Arkansas at 8:00 pm on Saturday evening..  Drove the 445 miles today--first 100 miles or so under clouds.  Left Cape Girardeau about 8:15 am and by 9:45 am started to rain.  Drove in rain (mostly hard rain where traffic was moving at about 50 mph) and at one location in Arkansas on Interstate 40 there was about 15 miles of stop-and-go traffic that took us about an hour.  Finally got to the front of it and discovered a semi-truck in the passing lane with a wrecker hooking up to it.  Finally ran out of the rain about 5:00 pm; got to our park here about 6:05 pm.

Had this semi-load of cotton bales, direct from the field, pass us in northern Arkansas.

Dined last night with brother Don & his wife Vicki at their dining area in the Assisted Living portion of Chateau Girardeau care facility.

Vicki is having considerable eye trouble and having to have eyedrops put in one eye four times a day.

After supper we played a game of dominoies with Don & Vicki.

After the dominoe game we visited a bit and got them to pose for a photo.
Don is even more remote than a few months ago when we visited.  Don't suppose he said a dozen words the whole time we were with them.  Vicki had been stressed over the facility taking her curling iron away from her after finding it for the fourth time running while it laid on a cleanex box by the cleaining lady when Vicki was out of the apartment.  Phyllis helped her find a new one with a built in automatic timer that will shut off after a given time after being used.  This will satisfy the facility as all residences who have curling irons are required to have one with an automatic shutoff.  Vicki was in a better mood by time we left Friday.

We plan on being another 475 miles down the road tomorrow, staying in an RV Park near Victoria, Texas Sunday night.  Have only 200 miles then on Monday so should get to our home in La Feria, Texas by noon and have the afternoon to open up that place and move all our "stuff" from the trailer and the pickup into that Mobile home and attached sun room.
Later, Lynn

Friday, October 27, 2023

In Cape Girardeau, Missouri for a few days

 69 degrees here in Cape Girardeau, MO at 7:50 am Friday.

Left our home in Clarinda, pulling our trailer, about 11:15 am on Tuesday.  Got to Harold & LaRhoada Neher's just east of Hiwawatha, Kansas, a little after 2 pm.  Picked some really large red apples from one of their trees.  Then visited and played a few games of Pegs & Jokers (Harold's favorite game) before supper that LaRhoada had prepared.  Always enjoy her good cooking!

Wednessday morning she had prepared an egg casserole along with cooked apple slices and cinnamon rolls.  Visited a while and were on the road by about 9 am.

Drove in rain for several hours, until a ways east of Kansas City, MO

The entire 440 miles driven Wednesday had the most colorful trees we recall from any Fall.  The full color does not appear on these photos.  (Click on them to enlarge)

After setting up the trailer in Cape Camping RV we spent a few minutes with brother Don & his wife Vicki at Chateau Girardeau care facility they are living in.  Don hardly spoke a word, then or on Thursday.  Vicki was stressed out about several things there at their facility.  

We visited a bit yesterday morning with Don & Vicki and then returned to pick them up at 4:30 pm to go to the Cape Girardeau Country Club where we met up with, and had dinner with, Mary Jo and Mike Diamond.  The Diamonds are handling their mail, taking them to church on Sundays, and generally helping with things they need at The Chateau.

We returned to our trailer last evening after delivering them to The Chateau.  Will pick them up areound 10:00 am this morning to do some shopping and then eat lunch.  Will let them rest some in the afternoon and we return there to eat with them at their facility at 4:00 pm.

Plan to leave Cape Girardeau Saturday morning.  Will have roughly 1100 miles to go and will overnight at Texarkanna, Arkansas Saturday night and at Goliad, Texas Sunday night -- arriving at our home in La Feria, TX by midday on Monday.

Later, Lynn

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

And we're off to TEXAS!

 69 degrees and balmy at 9:30 am Monday.  Camper all packed, my blood draw this morning at 7:30 am and to be at Dr's office at 9:45 am for my 3-month checkkup.  Already received the results on computer and same old things a little high.  

Will be down to Harold & LaRhoada Neher's this evening, parked in their driveway and will, no doubt, play some Pegs & Jokers with them.

Will check in later.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Nice fall day in Southwest Iowa

 You don't really have to drive anywhere to see fall color in trees if you live in Southwest Iowa!

Series of photos taken at our place or within a half-mile of our house over the last few days.  Click on photo to enlarge.

This photo and five below were taken in the railroad cut just north of the hedge in our back yard.   In photo at right, our house is in the upper left coorner of photo.

That tall stump in middle
of the photo is the Mulberry
Tree we cut down several
years ago.
Looking west through what
was a railroad cut in the
hill.  Railroad has been
abandoned and picked up
for at least 70 years.

Our shop building and house
are at top of bank on left side.

At left and below show last mowing of the year.

Rose bush was brushing the siding

and window frame.  Tied them

further away.

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...