Saturday, September 16, 2023



Carla tripped and fell during grilling. I  offered to call an ambulance, but she assured everyone she was OK and only tripped over her new shoes. She was a little pale and wobbly, she was helped to clean up and was brought another plate of food. Carla spent the rest of the evening happy and joyful. Carla's husband later called to say his wife had been taken to the hospital. Carla died at 11pm that night. She had a stroke while grilling. If her friends knew how to interpret the signs of a stroke, Carla might still be alive today. Some people don't die right away. They often stay long in a desperate situation.

It only takes 1 minute to read the following...
A neurologist said that if he can intervene on a stroke victim within 3 hours, he could reverse the effects. He said the trick would be to recognize a stroke, to diagnose and treat patients within 3 hours, but that's not easy.

Recognizing a stroke….there are four stages to recognize a stroke:
-Ask the person to smile (they won't).
-Ask the person to pronounce a simple sentence (for example: "It's very nice today").
-Ask the person to raise both arms (she can’t, or will only partially).
-Ask the person to stick out their tongue (if the tongue is crooked, twisted left and right, it is also a sign of a stroke)

If he or she has problems with one of these steps, call an ambulance immediately and describe the person's symptoms over the phone. A cardiologist said that if as many people as possible become aware of this, we can be certain that any life — maybe even our own — can be saved.

We send a lot of “garbage” every day through the network, but sometimes you can get stuck with something significant, isn’t it?

If it's this important to you... copy so it can reach more people who might change the fate of those affected by stroke...

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