Thursday, September 7, 2023

September 2023

 67º with clear skies here in Clarinda, IA at 11:00 am on Thursday.

Settling into fall-like weather

Had our first, of the season, choir practice last night.  Met at the Methodist Church and also included was the choir from the Presbyterian church, Westminster.  Linda accompanies and directs both choirs.

Will sing this Sunday.

Yesterday was the 119th anniversary of the birth of my dad, Kermit Miles.  He was 39 years old a few months after I was born and 73 years old when he passed away.  So, I  only knew him for 35 years and he has been gone now 45 years.

With no measurable rainfall for quite some time now, the lawn is turning a brown color and mowing is certainly not happening.  Some pretty good size cracks are appearing in some non-grass areas under some large trees.

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