Tuesday, June 20, 2023

To Broken Bow, NE & visit with the Ferguson's

 88 degrees with very bright sunshine here in Schuyler, NE at 6:00 pm Tuesday.

We drove, today, the 147 miles to Tumbleweed Café in Broken Bow to meet with the Fergusons.  Don had spent many years in Kenwood, but moved to the Off Broadway nursing home in Broken Bow 2 years ago.  Phyllis arranged with Gail Ferguson to meet them at the cafe.  Joining us was Don's brother, Lawrence; Larry, Lawrence's son; Gail, Larry's wife; Carla, Don's daughter and Sandy, Carla's daughter as well as brother Jake's widow Helen Ferguson.

Don, with wife Doris, first went to Kenwood in 1996.  Doris died some three years ago after being in the same nursing home with Alzheimer's for many years.  When Doris first went to the nursing home Don then had his brother Lawrence come down with him to be in his Mobile Home.  Now Lawrence owns the Mobile Home and continues to come down by having his son Larry & wife Gail bring him.

Larry & Gail retired early and spend time in Kenwood and also go back to Ansley, NE (where they live) to be with kids & grandkids at Christmas and also travel to Central America  or Porto Rico  almost every winter.  Sometimes they are on Mission Services and sometimes just enjoying their time there.

Had a good visit with them and headed back east about 2:00 pm.  A lot of the area between Broken Bow and Schuyler are very dry.  Of course, many of the fields had pivot irrigation rigs running.  But, the dryland fields are parched and the high temps in the 90's this week with the wind up isn't helping them much.  Saw a lot of big bales of hay and a lot of alfalfa fields that were cut and swathed.

Later, Lynn

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