Monday, June 12, 2023


 Well, it happened.   I have lived 80 years; actually 80 years and one day as of today, June 11th.  Got calls from my oldest brother, Roger and daughter Michelle; email from brother Darrell and several friends.

Our son Cameron came with his wife, Patty, and their daughters Ashley and Emily.  Also, Ashley's husband Heath and their two kids 7-year old daughter and 2-year old son and Emily's fiancée Derek.  This was Friday evening.

Dining with the great's always interesting.

For many years we have worked as ushers at the Glenn Miller Birthplace Festival, which was this weekend.  We did work Thursday and then Friday until about 4 pm.  Phyllis has been in charge of getting all ushers for a few years and she lined up others to take tickets and assist with seating for Friday evening and on Saturday.

Saturday morning we all went to the Clarinda Firehouse where a pancake breakfast was being served and the Jazz Band from NWMO State in Marysville, MO performed.

A little time with my Bud

Following eating pancakes and sausage and listening to the Jazz Band, we went to the city park and the kids, grandkids, and great grandkids all made use of the modern playground thingies.

Trying to keep up with 
big sister.

Gotta' get out of the slide quick, because 
someone right behind you!

Jessica hanging from the bars with Dad holding on to her.

David exploring a tent.

Another place to explore.

Time on the swings.

Saturday evening Phyllis had a huge supper of roast beef with onions (1015's), carrots and potatoes; green bean casserole and Cole slaw.

Then, the big 80 birthday cake.

2-year old David
helping great grandma
with loading the dishwasher

The family had spent 2 days at Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha and the kids had a lot of shark mementos, among other things.

Grandpa Cam spending time with Jessica tossing & catching plastic ball.

David getting attention from Aunt Em.

Jessica reading to little brother David.

David always seeking attention.

David with his shark
and Jessica with
hat and outfit.

Saturday evening we spent a little time
at the Glenn Miller Orchestra dance at the gymnasium.  Watched the dancers, some of whom were signed up for competition in various forms.

We sat in the bleachers far above.

Thursday evening we were at the free concert on the square and listened to St. Joseph Big Band.   Got to visit with friend Patty and many others that attended.

Last Tuesday we spent an enjoyable day with Harold & LaRhoda Neher who live on a farm close to Hiawatha, Kansas.  Had to play a few games of Harold's favorite game, Pegs & Jokers.

We had met them
at a fine restaurant
in Highland, KS
for lunch.

Was really nice weather that day.  Note LaRhoda's raised-bed garden in the cattle trough by the garage.  Harold was getting some fresh air on his electric scooter.

'Nuff for now, Lynn

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