Monday, January 30, 2023

On Carnival Cruise Ship Vista

 Drove just under 400 miles to the Port of Galveston, leaving our home in La Feria, Texas at 5 am Saturday morning. Were through the check in process and eating late lunch on board by 2 pm.

I pre-purchased the wifi program for on board, but have found my computer refuses to connect--apparently due to the protection built in; it says it is an open unsafe connection.   I am not going to override it and mess up the computer. 

Listening to steel drums in the atrium.

Ever changing colors in atrium 

"Restored" a gospel group 

In Limelighter Lounge, where our daily private Bluegrass shows will be held 

Goldwing Express, sponsoring group. 

Sitting on top deck, soaking up some clouds.

I am using the PC to process my photos and videos, but will only make a few tedious blog posts with the telephone---which I don't like to type on.  Can't use, for now, the many photos taken with my legitimate camera, so took a few with the phone. 

This blog is really disjointed; I hate typing on a damned phone. 

We return to Galveston next Saturday morning. 

I have and will continue to put a few posts on Facebook directly from the phone. 


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