Tuesday, January 3, 2023

2023 is here!

 43º in Clarinda, IA -- 84º here in La Feria, TX at 1:30 pm on Monday..

Saturday evening, New Year's Eve, we, along with about 50 others, spent some time at the Rec Hall

It amazing how a computer will wait on you.  It is now 9 am on Tuesday.  Got sidetracked yesterday and will see what I can add here before I have to do something else.
These photos were all at the Hall New Year's Eve.

On Wednesday, the 28th, we met with some of the Men & Women of A-Chord at Bella Mia Italian Restaurant in McAllen for lunch.  After eating, we entertained those still in the restaurant (it was around 2 pm) with 5 or 6 songs from the group.

On Friday, Joe the Veggie Man had his best crowd this year at the park.  

Got a lot of stuff from Veggie Man Joe - including some sweet corn that we had on Sunday.  Not Iowa good, but good.  Also got watermelon, apples, green onions, yellow onions, broccoli, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, radishes, jicama, and some other stuff I can't remember.

Yesterday, Monday, Nancy Koss and her daughter who is visiting from near Dallas, invited all in the park to her place for a Welcome the New Year gettogether.  Most attended.  While it was windy -- 30 mph most of the time with gusts to 45 mph -- had a good gathering.  They had prepared a lot of food and punch drink.  Several didn't eat, but the rest of us tried to make up for them.

Gotta run to the shuffleboard court, then get ready to drive the 30-some miles to McAllen for our barbershop chorus practice.

More later, LC

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