Monday, September 19, 2022

Clarinda High School Class of 1962 class reunion (finish)

 73º with bright sunshine here in Clarinda, IA at 11:45 am on Monday.

Phyllis had a whirlwind weekend with her helping gather her classmates from 1962 for their 60th class reunion on Saturday.  Click the photos to enlarge.

Janet and Leanna
had left before
the photo below
was taken in the

Some casual photos from the
Saturday evening get together
at Jay's Pizza & Steakhouse.

After the gathering at Jay's Pizza & Steakhouse, several classmates went to Bill & Sherrill Lisle's home where more conversation was had over  coffee & cake.

I am copying here an email Phyllis had me send yesterday.  September 18, 2022 - Dear CHS 1962 Classmates:

               60 years ago, we had 81 members in our graduating class.  We have lost 20 members to date that I am aware of. 

               This weekend we gathered Saturday morning, September 17, 2022, at The Garrison House.  There were 17 classmates and 4 spouses.   In the evening we went to Jay’s Pizza & Steakhouse where 16 classmates and 9 spouses enjoyed more visiting and a meal.

               A big thank you to all who helped out in making arrangements – Nancy Stotts, Chris Schindler, Diane Ferguson, & Elaine Whitehead, Phyllis Miles.  Also, thanks to my husband, Lynn Miles, for the computer work.  And, to Bill & Sherrill Lisle for cake, coffee, and enjoyable conversation at their house after Jay’s.

               It would not have happened if you who attended not been there.  Thanks for coming and making it a great day and making more memories.

               Phyllis Miles

Till next time, LC Miles

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