Saturday, July 23, 2022


95º with "feel like" of 106 degrees - south wind of 29 mph here in Clarinda at 3:30 pm on Saturday.  Omaha TV gave prediction of over 100 degrees actual temperature there today.

We have not been away from the house much.  With the price of gas $4.29 locally and the hot weather, not finding any reason to go anywhere.

Went with Leland & Bonnie Brown to the Methodist Church Pie & Ice Cream Social at the city building in Shambaugh Wednesday evening.  They had all flavors of ice cream and many, many home-made pies.  Got to visit with some people we don't usually see.

Click HERE for Tossed Salad & Scrambled Eggs 

Looking through old photos-----

This is picture from an airplane of our 11.5 acres that we lived on 4.5 miles west of Clarinda for 38 years.  We planted many of those hundreds of trees you see there.

Laid out some bricks to form a place for Phyllis to plant some perennials this fall.  Is right by the front door and will fill it with potting soil when doing that.

Till another time, LCM, st

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