Monday, December 27, 2021

Sunshine and warmth in the Rio Grande Valley

 83º with bright sunshine and wind at Kenwood RV in La Feria, TX at 2:15 pm Tuesday.  That was true when I wrote it.  It is now 72 degrees and dark at 8:45 pm.

Some photos of the gas station being built adjacent to Kenwood RV Park on the south side.

After a few weeks thinking of different ideas, finally finished the backdrops for the three Bougenvelia bushes to climb on.

There was quite a bit of turkey, dressing and potatoes/gravy left over Saturday that many left their side dishes and returned Sunday afternoon to dine on Christmas dinner again.

Put the finishing touch on the

back steps yesterday.

Have to include a
couple of photos of
our Great Grandkids,
Jessica and David Long.

Till next time, Lynn

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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