Friday, February 19, 2021

Some warm weather and sunshine --- with electricity turned on

 41 degrees at 8:45 pm in La Feria.  Predicted low in the morning of 32 degrees.  What an invention electricity was!  Had great sunshine today, and was warm in if you were out of the wind.  

With a short time of expected freeze - 32 degrees - in the morning, once again we moved all the potted flowers from the front of the house and covered the couple in-the-ground plants.

After 4 days and (most of the nights) of running the generator for heat, a few hours of the refrigerator, and television, parked the generator for a while.

Later this afternoon I put it back in the pickup where it has been for several years.

With bright sunshine and temps in the mid-50's I spent some time doing major trimming of the two cactus plant - took 5 trips to the garbage area with my basket on the recumbent trike.  With my usual dumpster-diving, though, I did end up with some wood pieces and a nice metal sawhorse.

Will show a few photos of the breaker box being replaced last Tuesday.

With the nice weather had a pretty good turnout for the Veggie Man Joe.  With this terrible freeze this week, much of the grapefruit still on the trees were lost, he said the oranges left on the trees may be salvaged for juice only.  Of course, all the truck farming with cabbage, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, watermelons, peppers, avocados; in fact anything growing in the valley was essentially lost.  He said some supply would still be had, but probably imported from other areas of the country and much elevated prices.

We are to go to Los Fesnos Sunday for our second Covid-19 shot.  Expecting quite a wait, so will leave home at 5:00 am - 20 minute drive.  They start giving shots at 7:00 am, but several hundred expected.

Later, Lynn

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