Thursday, February 11, 2021

Cold, misty in the Valley

55º with 15 to 25 mph wind out of the north and mist falling at 10:53 am.  A raw day for us, though any northerners may scoff at that.

This was yesterday after noon with all house windows open.  They are closed, however, at this time.  Had bedroom window open with fan blowing in until 8 am.

On Monday we drove over to Doris Winters in Alamo and after lunch visited for some time back at her place.  Since Lyle passed away last November and Doris is here without a car, but a lot of close friends in her park who look after each other.  I just looked up Lyle's obituary and they had a god video of photos of him and family.  CLICK HERE  to view it.  His obituary is HERE

It is now 5 pm and 44 degrees here!

Phyllis has spent a lot of time in the Texas Room laying out fabric for quilts.

A year ago today we were on cruise ship and had stopped on island near Jamaica.  No cruise this year, with the Covid-19, but lining up one for next February.

GROANER'S CORNER:((  A teacher asks her class if anyone can use the word 'fascinate' in a sentence.  Brian raises his hand and says, "The sky is fascinating."  The teacher says, "No that's fascinating."  Jennifer raises her hand and says, "When I saw the tigers at the zoo I was fascinated."  The teacher says, "No that's fascinated."  So finally Little Johnny raises his hand and says, "My mom bought a new blouse with 12 pearl buttons, but her chest's so big she could only fasten eight!"


Why do bagpipe players always walk while they play?  They are trying to get away from the noise?


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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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