Monday, October 12, 2020

Rain, but no rain

 54º here in Clarinda, IA at 9:45 am Monday.  We were promised rain yesterday evening by the weather forecasters.  The storm was not very wide and was moving at 50 mph -- we hardly got the bottom of the rain gauge wet.

This 10-day shows chance of frost next week.  With this in mind, I emptied all the tanks, including water heater and low point water drains on the travel trailer.  Plan on leaving Clarinda on Tuesday, the 27th and heading for warmer climate.  Have planned several stops, mostly at museums, and should be at our Texas home Saturday afternoon.

The way I have designed the quilt display case is taking quite a bit of hand sawing.

At right is the case with the bottom cut like finished, but with boards attached at top just to give appearance of how it will be when finished.  The top boards will also be rabbited in like the bottom, and will have acrylic panels on front and sides - back solid walnut.

Grass is taking hold where we had bushes removed and also under the heavily trimmed oak tree.

Gas has really jumped around
in price.  Just a week ago it was
$2.199 and then dropped to
$2.049, and yesterday
was $197.9

Of course, the color never comes out on photos as it is to the eye.  Back yard trees have a lot of yellow in them right now.

This is Judy Dench at left in the movie Red Joan that I saw on TV.   She portrays a 87 year old English lady that was apprehended in 1999 for espionage during World War II .  Other actress portrayed her as a young girl in the 1938 to 1945 era.  Was really interested in this true story and thinking how much more the book probably had, I ordered it on Audible. and listen to it when working in shop, etc.  It is more than 13 hours and very interesting.

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The Last Correspondent is a book about photographers and correspondents during World War II.  Though it is a novel, it follows history well.

Read this Charles Goodnight book many years ago and am now re-reading it.  Cowboy from Texas who, among other things, trailed many herds north in the late 1800's.

Later, Lynn

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