Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Hot and muggy July

92º with high humidity this afternoon - Wednesday - in Clarinda, IA.  Rain is forecast for late tonight, but that doesn't mean we will get it.  The heat and humidity has been good for the corn here in Iowa, but not pleasant for the people.

Been working on the tree planting and terracing work "over the hedge" behind the house.

Got some dirt from the farm to put around
some of my trees.

Ended up with this little snake
in one of the dirt buckets.

They finally got the sign on Fareway

Not a lot going on --  Did go out to help unload the Food Pantry truck from Omaha at the church Tuesday.

Didn't take any photos of the two pallets of boxes we unloaded and put inside for Food Pantry that is open each Wednesday afternoon.
We have missed about 4 Bluegrass Festivals this summer that have been cancelled.  One was postponed from April to September in Branson, hoping that will still be held.  Of course, missed the Annual Glenn Miller Festival in early June that was cancelled.  Have heard that one in Oskaloosa, IA August 5th through 8th are still planning on going on with it.  This is the same time that would have been at our annual summer Kenwood RV rally in State Center, IA - which was cancelled - so hope w can go to it.  Will have spacing and face masks, of course.

Later, Lynn

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