Friday, February 7, 2020

On our cruise tomorrow

66º at 9:15 pm Friday.  And, it is still; almost eerie after all the high windy days we have had.

I just took this photo of the full
moon from my back yard.  Really bright.

Went to First Baptist Church in Pharr, TX this morning to sing with the Barbershop chorus for Memorial Service of one of the founding members of the group.  He started when they were formed in 1992 and sang until about 5 years ago.  We did not know him, but he had a lot of friends in the Chorus who did know him
 In the "warm up" room 
before our entering
the sanctuary.
This quartet sang a number and later in the service about 22 members of the Chorus sang, from the back of the sanctuary, another song.

Following the service,
we spent some time at
Costco which is only about
a mile from the church.
Least expensive gas we have
gotten for many years.

Later in the afternoon we enjoyed a meal of deer sstrogonoff from couple in the park who had got the deer in Minnesota.  Served with lettuce salad and a few things people brought.  Delicious.

Salad table

We are about packed, ready to leave for Galveston early in the morning.
Pic taken before a performance.
Noodles and deer in gravy

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