Thursday, February 6, 2020

Cool days in the Valley

49º now at 10:30 am Thursday -- was 40º earlier this morning.  A bit cool for this area.  Have had days of high winds -- in the 25-35 mph steady and gusts to 50 mph one day.  At least there are no mosquitoes when the wind is blowing.
Went to Progreso, Mexico Wednesday to do a little shopping and get some medications.
On USA end of bridge over Rio Bravo - or Rio Grande River

ate at Rene's in Progreso

Waiter took our photo

 I had an omelette with re-fried beans, french fries (that I gave to Phyllis) and a salad, along with 3 tortillas, and coffee  All for $7.  Girls had rolls and coffee.
 Roaming Mariachi Players were working the restaurant for tips.

 Patty and Phyllis looked at a lot of things along the sidewalks and in stores.
 Wind was blowing quite hard and temperature was in the 50's.

Left Progreso, MX a little after 11 am and stopped on 1015 in Weslaco to eat at Nana's.

 5:00 pm Wednesday was the regular Pot-luck supper.

Following the Pot-Luck Supper we had the Pegs & Jokers group at our house for a few games.  With 11 people playing it was a bit different game and took longer, but all enjoyed.  Darlene Winslow had her granddaughter Courtney visiting and it was the first time she had ever played the game.

All for now.  We must sing with the Men of A-Chord at the First Baptist Church in Pharr, TX tomorrow morning at a funeral for one of the MOAC members who was one of the founding members back in 1992; and then will visit Costco which is near the church.   Leave early Saturday morning for Galveston.  I should add that I got uploaded video of our full Men of A-Chord program last week -- you can see/hear it at THIS PLACE
Later, Lynn

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