Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Busy few days.

71º here in La Feria, TX at 8:00 pm Tuesday evening.  To look forward to 44 mph winds tomorrow and down to 36º on Thursday morning.  Lots of changeable weather in this place.

We both went to Men of A-Chord barbershop chorus practice today.  Drove to Snow To Sun RV Park and rode with Bob Wiese, Dennis Hill and Dave Miller over to McAllen, TX 

After getting back we picked up Patty Steckelberg at our house and drove in to Harlingen to Chick-fil-A for supper.  Always very good eating there.  They are always extremely busy, but handle things very quickly and politely.   Last night Patty took us out to eat at Gatti's Pizza in Harlingen.

Friday we took Darlene Winslow with us and Patty and went to Weslaco City Park where the RHP group of three parks had a joint gathering.  Was probably 1/3 as many attended that had last year.  Had Pulled Pork or Brisket sandwiches with Cole-slaw, chips and water or soda pop.
They had a lot of drawings, but was sort of rigged towards the Snow To Sun people.


Really enjoyed Terry Smith Sunday evening at the Rec Hall here in Kenwood RV.  You can view his program by clicking HERE

Saturday evening Phyllis helped Theresa Van Onen, from Canada, with the 50+ Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

Our neighbor, Harold Neher, is finally feeling good enough to be out and to programs and he and LaRhoda are in photo at left.

Phyllis & Theresa did a fine job with their program.
Terrie and Charlie Servin, from Illinois were the only couple who have a 50th year this year.

Seven years ago we celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary.  Some of my memory photos came up with that year.  There were five couples celebrating that year.  We are the only couple of them that are still here in the park.  There were a lot more people staying in the park then.

On the way home from the Rio Grande Valley that year we pulled our trailer some 12,000 miles, drove over 17,000 miles, seeing much of the Southwest, the West Coast, the Northwest, all the way back to Michigan and down to Ohio and then home to Iowa.  Got home in Clarinda the middle of September, and left for our winter home the middle of October.  Oh to be young enough to do that again!

Sunday, after church, we at lunch at La Feria Cafe with Harold and LaRhoda Neher, Patty, and Lola Shoppe.  Many other friends were eating there, also.

Had quite a sunset Sunday evening.  As usual, the camera does not pick up the vibrant colors the eye can see.
We take Patty to the Harlingen Airport tomorrow evening for her flight back to Kansas City.  Has been a good month of February with her visiting.

More later.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Weekend in the Rio Grande Valley

It was again the the 40's this morning with heavy overcast.  It is up to 65º now with only 7 mph wind (gusts to 12 mph) so is really pleasant.  Week ago we were getting off the ship in Galveston!

The Barbershop Chorus Men of A-Chord performed last evening at Wagon City North RV in Mission, TX - see video by clicking HERE

Also, I discovered a DVD in our library here in Kenwood RV this week that is of the program "Music for All Ages" - A combined Concert at McAllen Civic Center, March 7, 2008. Included are Men of A-Chord Barbershop Chorus; Magic Valley Chorus of Sweet Adelines; Senior Ambassadors; and the RGV Concert Band.  You can watch that video by clicking HERE

I use the pickup to haul fabrics from their storage shed to the Rec Hall every Thursday morning about 8:30 am and then pick them up again at 12 Noon to take them back.  Mostly in Tote Boxes and some in plastic garbage sacks.

These photos were taken this last Thursday when I showed up a little early and the gals were still working.

Later that afternoon we went up to the Rec Hall for the weekly Meet & Greet session.

This morning we went to the Rec Hall for the bi-monthly Saturday morning breakfast.  Had scrambled eggs with cheese, and biscuits with sausage gravy along with orange juice and coffee -- all for $4.00.  Good deal and good food.

Tonight we are going up to the Rec Hall for the annual 50 and over wedding anniversary party.  One couple is celebrating their 50th this year and names of all who have been married longer than 50 years will be recognized.

Later, Lynn

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Cold and dreary, but no rain to amount to anything

55º out with heavy overcast and some light rain at 11:30 am Thursday  Almost the high for the day.

 Had pot luck supper at the hall last night and then afterward had 10 people playing Pegs & Jokers at our place.  Most were pretty well behaved, considering their age and current outlooks on life!

These are pictures from our Tuesday night concert.  Link to it is HERE

Great Granddaughter Jessica, showing us she can write her name.

Hawaii lady stopped by (Darlene Winslow)

The great all-beef foot long hot dog at Costco

Neighbor Harold Neher has been
under the weather much of 
this winter, but now is out and
about.  Good to see him mobile.


More another time, Lynn

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hot and windy in the Valley

88º here with very high winds at 2:30 pm Tuesday.
Don't have practice for Barbershop Chorus this afternoon, so unusual account normally there.  We have a concert tonight at 7 pm in Pharr, Texas and have gone over all the songs here at home.

 Yesterday we went to Golden Corral to eat and have a meeting on setting up this summer's get together in State Center for the Kenwood RV Midwest Rally.  Had good meal, but we were not given the room they had promised and it was too noisy to carry on a meeting, so came back to the Friendship Room at the Rec Hall for that.

Have set up August 4th through the 7th at Lola's in State Center for the event.  Imagine many will come early and spend whole week.

Phyllis conducted the meeting.  Lillian and Jerry Witt agreed to Chair the event with Co-Chairs Deane and Dick Messer.  They went over schedule for food and are hoping to come up with an event or place to go to one day.

Will go to Costco in Pharr and then on to Texas Trails RV for our concert.  To be a little cooler this Friday with 56º predicted as the high.  Winds constant at 26 mph now with 12 mph overnight.
Later, Lynn

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...