Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Years Day 2019

58º in La Feria, TX at 9:30 am Tuesday as I start this - light rain and rain predicted all night and all day tomorrow.

Deanne visiting with Phyllis - Lola at the left.
 Phyllis was in charge of the New Years Eve party at the Rec Hall 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.  Had a hired DJ - danced, ate, had one game of Charades, and danced some more--with a lot of visiting going on.
Chowing down - a great variety of food!

Dave Gilmore with the DJ

Many getting a second plate

Pat visiting with Phyllis

Phyllis running the Charade game

Phyllis running the Charade game

Some 58 residents attended

Doing the Chicken Dance

At the end of the evening, after drawing for door prizes,
Phyllis had all join hands and sing auld lang syne.

This morning I went down, with Harold Neher, and played two games of shuffleboard.  Lost one by a huge number and won one by a huge number.  Go figure!

Had a total of 10 people at our house today.  Several brought soup, some brought desert, some brought crackers and vegetable dip, some brought vegetables.  Great soup.  and all the food.

Played quite a few games of Pegs & Jokers.  We had neighbors Harold and LaRhoda Neher, Bob & Bobbi Raab, Darlene Winslow, Butch Giesking, as well as Phyllis & myself.  We also had former residents of Kenwood, who now live in a park in Alamo, Lyle & Doris Winter with us.

After watching Iowa State get beat earlier (Mostly by the Referees) we got to watch Iowa win at their bowl game today.  Phyllis' sister was at the game.  They posted this photo before the game from Tampa with their classmates Bill & Sherril Lisle and Bill & Mary Richardson.

Later - Lynn

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