Friday, November 10, 2017

Veterans Day event later today

58º here in La Feria, TX with heavy overcast skies at 4:00 pm Thursday.  Was 52º when we got up this morning -- had been 92º only a few days ago!

Got the reflective window treatment on all the west-facing windows.  Should be cooler--when the sun decides to shine again. Gila Films

Well, it is now 58º with rain and 10 mph north wind at 8:20 am on Friday.  I sort of got interrupted.

Worked on my Men of A-Chord barbershop music some.  Had our first practice this last Tuesday in McAllen.

Only had 13 at this first practice.  Many are not down in the Rio Grande Valley yet.  Think our first actual concert is not until in January.

Phyllis is in charge of the ceremony of changing the flag on the pole in front of the office and a program inside prior to that at 10:00 am this morning.  She has been putting in some long days with her job.  Several days attending Activity Director meetings and being told or shown events in the valley for people to participate in.

Tuesday we picked up Ardel and Marion Finken at the Harlingen Airport, who flew in from Indiana.  They are our next-door neighbors to the west.

Wednesday we picked up Joyce Holder at the McAllen Airport, who flew in from Michigan.  She lives just to the west of the Finkens.  On the way back from McAllen we ate at a new place for us in Weslaco - Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers.  They only serve chicken and it was good and a good price.

Yesterday morning I took neighbor Bill Winslow down to the La Feria Medical Clinic - was having some intestinal problems.

Worked on making boards to cover the front of the steps at the front entrance.  Just applied them -- think it makes the steps look better.
with back-boards added

GROANER'S CORNER:((  An angry wife to her husband on phone: "Where the hell are you?"
Husband: "Darling, you remember that jewelry shop where you saw the diamond necklace and totally fell in love with it, and I didn't have enough money at that time, and I said 'Baby it'll be yours one day'?"  Wife, with a smile and blushing: "Yeah I remember that my love!"  Husband: "  Well I'm in the pub right next to that shop."

Redneck computer terms:

BACKUP - What you do when you run across a skunk in the woods

BAR CODE - Them's the fight'n rules down at the local tavern

BUG - The reason you give for calling in sick

BYTE - What your pit bull dun to cusin Jethro

CACHE - Needed when you run out of food stamps

CHIP - Pasture muffins that you try not to step in

TERMINAL - Time to call the undertaker

CRASH - When you go to Junior's party uninvited

DIGITAL - The art of counting on your fingers

DISKETTE - Female Disco dancer

FAX - What you lie about to the IRS

HACKER - Uncle Leroy after 32 years of smoking

HARDCOPY - Picture looked at when selecting tattoos

INTERNET - Where cafeteria workers put their hair

KEYBOARD - Where you hang the keys to the John Deere

MAC - Big Bubba's favorite fast food

MEGAHERTZ - How your head feels after 17 beers

MODEM - What ya did when the grass and weeds got too tall

MOUSE PAD - Where Mickey and Minnie live

NETWORK - Scoop'n up a big fish before it breaks the line

ONLINE - Where to stay when taking the sobriety test

ROM - Where the pope lives

SCREEN - Helps keep the skeeters off the porch

SERIAL PORT - A red wine you drink with breakfast

SUPERCONDUCTOR - Amtrak's Employee of the year
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Avocado who?
Avocado cold.

 Be well, do good work, and keep in touch -- Lynn

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...