Thursday, July 21, 2016

99 degrees

 58% humidity and 97º on back deck at 2:05 pm today.
61% humidity and 99º on back deck at 5:18 pm today.  A little warm.  Official weather site states 95º with "feel like" of 105º right now at 5:44 pm.

Am pretty sure we aren't going to eat our supper at the table on the back deck outside tonight.

This 92% humidity and 75º was at 6:50 am, about the time I finished trimming a mulberry tree by the northwest corner of our house.  Pretty warm for that time of day, and humid.

Started by taking lot of smaller branches down with loppers -- from top of step-ladder.
(You heard the one about - I like my step-ladder, but I really like my ladder better)

Bunch taken out.

What I was working on.

The mulberry tree was encroaching on the evergreen type tree beside it.  Lots of open space now.

More later, Lynn

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