Thursday, July 7, 2016


67 degrees in Clarinda, IA -- dumped 1.8" rain from gauge this morning.  Heard on radio that Villisca, just to our north had a lot of wind damage with the storm that went through in the middle of the night.  I picked up a few small limbs from trees here, but nothing major.  More rain is forecast for here around noon.

I did mow the lawn on Tuesday.  And, it did get hot, temperatures in the mid 90's with humidity nearly the same.

Shirley Long stopped by for a visit one day.  Her husband, Charlie Long, worked for us at the grain elevator for many years -- passed away this winter.  She has retired from working as RN in the hospital after many years, but is working part-time as a Home Health Nurse.

Phyllis' flower bed to the west of the house, in bright sunshine the other day.
Took this picture about an hour ago.  The tree limbs are really heavy with the moisture on them and hanging really low.

Rode with Leland and Bonnie Brown - and Roberta Rarick - last evening to Shambaugh, IA (about 5 miles south) to Ice Cream day for Methodist Church there.  Had good turnout and got to visit with some people who hadn't seen in a long time.  Dave and Jan Engle, neighbors in our Texas RV park, from Indiana, are stopping here for lunch on their way to Yellowstone National Park.
More later, Lynn

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