Saturday, November 21, 2015

Third week in our RGValley home!

La Feria, TX - 66degrees - been raining last couple days.  Dumped 1/2 inch from rain gauge yesterday.

Here are some 3-day old radishes.
And 4 day old lettuce -- not so tall.

Thursday was Darlene Winslow's
80th Birthday and as a part of the Thursday
Meet & Greet at the Rec Hall, Phyllis had a
small program for her.  And, the Activity
Director bought a birthday cake which about
50 of us enjoyed with ice cream.  These
are some pictures Darlene's daughter sent
us and we printed them up for the event.

Bill provided a lot of photos - and the notation "Lordy, Lordy, she's 2 X 40"

Think she enjoyed it.
 Friday I helped Darlene and Bill put new outdoor-carpet on their two steps into their Park Model.

 Friday, yesterday, was the first time of the season that "the veggie man" came to the park.  He always provides good fresh vegetables every Friday.

Decoration at one of the full-time residents place here in the park.

 Well, I got interrupted - it is now Sunday morning and was 47 degrees at 8:00 am.  Cool for here, since we had air conditioner on yesterday morning when it was in mid 70's and humidity was 85%.
Saturday morning
Phyllis headed up cooking
and serving breakfast at the Rec Hall.
She enlisted Pat & Lois Sumner as
well as myself.
 Pat manned
the grill, making all
the pancakes for 40-some
people.  Sausage was
also served, with the butter-syrup
as you wanted.

Coffee and orange juice
were served.

Some of the people at the tables.

Phyllis, standing, with Jenine Houk.

 Above - what do you think of Marti's shirt?

We went over to Alamo to the Mexican Flea Market - walked most of it; it is very large and there wasn't much of a crowd until just before noon so we didn't have much walking-resistance.  We left about noon and it was starting to rain so good timing.  Found several items we needed.

There are about 10 times as many booths at this Flea Market compared to Don-Wes and they offer all sorts of things.  Here are bunny rabbits, puppies and birds.

You can see the rain
clouds off to the
west in this picture.

It got cool overnight with 45 being shown as low.  To gradually get warmer and 83 degrees is forecasted for Thursday when Phyllis is heading up the cooking crew for Thanksgiving Dinner at the Rec Hall.

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