Sunday, November 8, 2015

A bit cooler in La Feria this Saturday evening

La Feria, TX  68 degrees with heavy overcast.  Click on any picture to enlarge.

I drove to Mercedes, TX, just 5 miles west of here just before lunch to a hardware store.  This is picture of clouds as I came out.  On way home I drove in some very hard rain 3 different times, but it has not rained here at La Feria.

We went across Expressway 83 just after 12 noon to eat lunch and this photo is the clouds just north of us when we came out.

But, it still hasn't rained here.  We had the air conditioner running since we got here last Sunday with highs near 90 each day and high humidity.  Just went out riding the trike a bit (before the Nebraska-Michigan football game to start) and it was almost chilly at 68 degrees--different than what we had gotten used to.

This Fiesta Texas - Tex-Mex Restaurant is in the building that "Stuffed Gut" restaurant used to be.  The owners and workers used to have the restaurant right on Main Street just on the south side of Expressway 83 that was turned into a Title Max office a year or so ago. We at lunch there Saturday.

Well, as usual, I have procrastinated and it is now 8:30 am Sunday - 62 degrees outside, but no real rain fell here.
Watched the Iowa Football game and the Nebraska Football game on TV last night.

 Yesterday helped Phyllis wash the trailer.  Sprayed with light Chlorox beach and then used brush with water to change the color.  Hadn't realized the light mold was so all-encompassing.

The small cutting of an Aloe plant that we got from the King Aloe Farm near Mercedes some 5 years ago is pretty good sized now and we can take leaves off it for use.

I cut one leaf off and stripped back one side so the gel aloe can be smeared on all the mosquito bites.  It is good for sunburn, anything on the skin, really.  In fact, we buy and drink each morning a bit of liquid aloe to help with digestion.

 I am adding these three photos of the inside of our mobile home to show Ann Runyan the similarity to her and Stan's mobile home.  When we were visiting them I saw that and we discovered our units are the same year, same model, built by the same company; only, theirs is 10 feet longer than ours and has a third bedroom.

Realizing I didn't include pictures earlier on our drive on the Natchez Trace Parkway - here are a few.

Several places we were able to pull off the Parkway and actually walk on the old trace itself.

There was interesting displays at this French Camp along with a small cafe.  We were middle of the morning, so did not eat there.

Along the coast as we neared Galveston we saw many houses on high stilts/posts.  This is a mobile home elevated - saw a couple of them.

This is example of the many houses built
high up to avoid flooding when high waters come in.

This is a pretty big, old, house not on stilts, though it is built on a high dirt.

We spent two nights in Phyllis' cousin Ruth's house, this photo shows Phyllis and her cousin Janice (Ruth's sister) who had flown in from San Francisco for the weekend to visit us.

Myself and Ruth.

This is photo of Ruth's Galveston house.  It is only 1.5 blocks from the gulf.  She drove us around showing us much of Galveston Island, though it rained all the time we were there.  Hope to go back sometime when the sun is shining.

Had hoped to walk the beach, but weather was nasty.
Yep, not a day to walk the beach.

We stopped in Rockport, TX and ate lunch Sunday with Bessie & Don Runyan.  Got a photo of Don in front of their 5th-wheel, but didn't get a photo of Bessie -- guess I am slipping.

All the cactus plants I have put in are growing

This tall cactus is now above the roof-line.  It was 6" tall when I rescued it from a neighbor's rain gutter 4 or 5 years ago.

The pine tree was 6" tall when I planted it about 4 years ago.  It is getting close to being shade from the west sun in late afternoons.

We had our first, of the season, game of Manipulation with neighbors Marion & Ardel Finken and Darlene & Bill Winslow on Friday evening at Winslows.

I have finally gotten the photos taken on the 2-week trip from Iowa to Texas on separate files in my Picasa website.  For some reason many of the descriptions haven't uploaded, but imagine they will finally catch up.  Here are websites of the various files of those photos; look at them if you like:
Click on the link, or copy and paste each into your browser.

 Later, Lynn

1 comment:

  1. After attending the funeral for Lyle's 57 year old nephew, we will heading south. We will leave either Thursday afternoon or early Friday morning.Hope to see you guys soon.


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...