55º in Clarinda, IA - was 42º earlier. Predicted high today of 75º and tomorrow a record-breaker 87º.
Click on any photo to enlarge - click on links to see where they lead.
Well, lets see -- been a week since I wrote. What have we done this last week other than getting ready to pull out with our trailer a week from tomorrow (Oct. 23rd)
Last Sunday we went, with Bonnie & Leland Brown, to the program at the local Museum. Fort Meigs, near Toledo, Ohio, and the War of 1812 was the subject. Click HERE for Fort Meigs history
Rick Finch had been the curator there for many years ad was able to talk of the building of the fort and history of the battles fought near it.
That was the first day the Museum had the US flag with POW flag below it, and all Armed Service flags flying on the newly installed poles near the Freedom Rock in front of the Museum along Highway 71. They did not have lights installed at that time so would be taking them down at night, but are planning on installing lights for 24-hour service.
Have ridden several times down to the airport and around the apron (.9 mile around it). This plane sitting there several days - a bit unusual. We very seldom see activity at the airport -- other than the back-up helicopter was in a hanger with door open one day - apparently being checked out, though no one was around.
Fall colors of leaves starting in Clarinda
Waited in line one day to cash in a few deposit-pop cans.
Phyllis finished quilting this quilt that was one of someones at church.
On our ride with trikes -- this house decorated for Halloween -- across street from Westridge Nursing Home.
This is the frame with photos taken last May for the Church Directory. We didn't get it until back from our summer trip.
Gradually getting things packed in the back of the pickup that we want to take to our house in Texas. We plan to pull out at noon next Sunday. Have lined up to spend some time near Cape Girardeau to visit brother Don and his wife and also Brother Darrell and his wife will be there with their RV the middle of the next week.
Later, Lynn
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