Sunday, May 12, 2024

The big yard sale is over!

 81 degrees, no wind, overcast in Clarinda, IA at 2:00 pm Sunday.

Been a very busy week--gathered all the books that we wanted to sell, cassette tapes, DVD's, CD's, lots of little items that have set around forever and a few big items. 

After four full days of sorting, cleaning and setting up, we were ready Friday morning.  The city of Clarinda had a city-wide sale and advertised our location and ad for the price of 3 cans of food for the Food Bank.

In the photo at right is big Tote with large Christmas tree in it.  Decided to set it up to best display it and found base and entire center pole missing, so it is headed for the garbage pickup.  We only stored it in the shop for the last 14 years!

Quite a bit of stuff moved on Friday.

Saturday morning reset what was left.

Two mirrors didn't sell, but I am going to use them to visually enlarge my shop.

A lady is going to pick up today almost everything that we didn't sell -- mostly all the books, tapes, CD's, DVD's, and most small items.  All packed into boxes and on the wheeled shop bench so can roll down the driveway to her today.

Week ago Friday we drove to Marengo, IA and had lunch with Granddaughter Ashley and Great Grandson David.  Had a good visit and then spent time at theIr place and Jessica got home from school and Heath from work so visited with them.

I am wearing the hat we bought in Progresso, Mexico this winter and gave to David.

Jessica with her Mexican hat.

Friday evening was spent at Cam & Patty's place with Ashley's family there and Emily came out from Iowa City for the evening.

Cam's rescued a nearly frozen kitty this winter and it is now part of the family.

With David now 3 and Jessica 7 they were anxious to play some games.  Played several.

Saturday evening we went with Cam's and all their kids/grandkids to Coralville for supper at Wig & Pen Pizza.  Emily's husband got off work and was able to join us.

Very busy restaurant that night but the meal was worth the wait.  Lots of time for visiting.

Sunday morning Ashley & Emily treated us all to brunch (For Mother's Day) at the Landmark Restaurant at the Williamsburg exit on I-80.  Following a lot of visiting, we headed west and after stopping in Des Moines for gas and groceries (and having the best All-Beef Hotdogs at Costco for lunch) were back in Clarinda by around 4 pm.

Will write more when I get around to it............this next photo covers my activity well.


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