Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Very hot, and windy

 82º here in Kenwood RV at 5:48 pm Wednesday -- reached 90º earlier, with a lot of wind.  Steady 20-25 with gusts to 35 and above.

Local weatherman said last night that we have been running 12º above normal high temperatures for this area and time of year.

Replaced all three tires & tubes on my recumbent trike yesterday.

A look out the upper kitchen window into the Texas Room today.

Our Men & Women of A-Chord Barbershop Chorus has been meeting once a month at an Italian Restaurant in McAllen for lunch.  It was decided that this month our 86-year old Tenor Izzy Waldschmidt was going to host a BBQ at her place in Llano Grande RV.  Yesterday she provided a bit of a crude drawing to get to her place and lamented that not everyone was there yesterday so they wouldn't see her drawing.  I told her I would send it out to the all-chorus email list that I keep the  
chorus informed of bookings, and upcoming performances.  I used Google Maps to get scaled maps and then drove to her park to to see for sure.  She is getting hotdogs and hamburgers and making pies for desert.  We all are bringing side-dishes and chairs next Tuesday at the normal time we have practice.  Will go over the performance we are to do the following night and then have our get-together BBQ.

Few photos of our Barbershop Chorus practice yesterday in McAllen, TX

Been getting vegetables every week from Joe "The Veggie Man" when he comes to the par each Friday afternoon.  Last couple watermelons from him have been some of the best watermelons that we remember.

I have been trying to regularly cut from the Bougenvelia behind our house and the red vase has flowers off the "border fence" between our park and the new Fuel Station on our south side.

Last Monday Phyllis had her
nails done downtown by her usual

nail lady - a Vietnamese lady.

Got roped into playing shuffleboard Tuesday morning.  My team lost the first game by 65 points, but only 57 on the second game.  At least we got some exercise out of it!

Sunday evening's entertainment at the Rec Hall was The Real Beale -- a one-man band from Guthrie Center, IA with his wife singing with him on many songs.

With his several cymbals, bass drum, snare drum, guitar, and harmonica he put on quite a performance.  No "canned" music and his music was very good.  Excellent guitarist, good voice and with his wife's singing did a very good show.  He spent quite a bit of time telling about how he got into this, with the first outfit weighing about 45 lbs.  He has this revised outfit down to 35 lbs., and was still working up quite a sweat during his show.  You can see quite a few of his videos by CLICKING HERE  
Can you imagine driving this
road in the dark in a rain or
snow storm?

We are already making plans for our moving from this house to our summer house around the end of this month.

Will let you know what is going on again soon.

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