Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Windy & cooler in the Valley

 67º with strong north wind and heavy overcast here in La Feria, TX at 9 am Wednesday.

I am again crushing aluminum cans for the park this year.  Took several dollars worth to the recycling place Monday on our way to Gatti's Pizza for bingo and Pizza with Kenwood group of about 44.

Last aluminum I took in spring of 2022 was 80¢ a pound.  Now was 45¢ per pound.  Did get something over $15 for the Park Association.

Before Covid-19 we used to go once a month to Gatti's in Harlingen for Bingo, visiting and eating.  They closed down during Covid-19 and haven't re-opened.  However, a new Gatti's was built in Mercedes and opened some time this last summer, so we have started going there once a month.

Phyllis called Bingo and cinnamon rolls were served.  We all made full use of the buffet salad bar, pizza bar, baked potato bar, and pasta bar.  About 44 from the park attended.

Cindi, the Activity Director handled the setup and made announcements.

These bent poles with signs for handicap parking were in the lot by Gatti's.  All of them had been bumped into and bent.

  Went down to the Shuffleboard the last two Tuesdays at 10:00 am.  On either of those days didn't have enough show up for 4 teams to play on 2 of the courts at same time.  Last Tuesday Phyllis played with 3 others and this Tuesday I played with three others.

Had Men & Women of A-Chord practice Tuesday, with several members returning to the chorus.  Will be short several for next two weeks account some travelling for Christmas.

Have done some re-arranging in our kitchen.  Now have the freezer/pantry in the kitchen instead of down the hall by the laundry.

We are to leave in a bit to go with a small group from the park to eat at Logan's Steak House and then do a tour at Harlingen Arts and Heritage Museum.  Not sure what is there, but will no doubt find out.

Will post again sometime, LC

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