Sunday, August 21, 2022

Weekend gathering of family

 81º with mostly sunny sky here in Clarinda, IA at 3:00 PM on Sunday.

Family from eastern Iowa were here this weekend for funeral of our daughter-in-law Patty's father, Fred Baze.

Great Grandkids, Jessica and David were at our house Friday evening for a while.

Saturday morning we all went to the funeral here in Clarinda.

On the right above is Granddaughter Emily with Great Grandson David.  On the left is Emily's fiancé Derek.

The Baze family gathered at the community room at the Lied Center following the funeral for visiting and a lunch provided.  

At left is Grand Son-in-law Heath with our two grandkids, Jessica & David.

Photo at right is of the Baze clan.
Front row, seated, are Fred & Fern Bazes kids - Derek, Pam, Patty, and Jenny.

Last evening our family all came to our place for a meal.  Lots of visiting.

Fred had been an avid fisherman and Patty had gone with him many times.  This morning Patty, Jessica and Heath went to the river east of town where Fred had fished for years.  Heath did catch a good sized fish, but with no way to get it back home on the 5-hour drive, he put it back in the river.

Good visiting with the family.

Hey, I just took this photo at left off the deck.

Later, Lynn

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