Thursday, November 25, 2021

November 25, 2021


When you step on a rotten board in the landing to the back steps, it collapses.

This can be the result as the front of your leg bone scrapes all the way as you go down.  Thought knee might be broken for a bit, but is just sore.

Iced it down.

Tore out most of the boards.

Since I am reusing non-treated boards, I am giving many coats of paint to them, using up some old paint on hand.

After meeting at one of the members house for several weeks, we finally returned to St. Marks Methodist Church in McAllen on Tuesday for the Men of A-Chord barbershop practice.

Due to them having a "garage sale" set up in the practice room, though, we did have to practice in the gym.

Had bright moon the last few nights.

Will post again, Lynn

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