Sunday, June 7, 2015


Clarinda, IA 74º

Saturday we worked in yard.  Phyllis is weeding and trimming flowers.
 I cut all the lower limbs and branches from all the trees in front and back yard.

Ate out on the deck -- had a lot of rain for weeks, but had a nice day for this.

Went out to lunch with group from church -- Jay's Pizza and Steak House here in Clarinda today.  Then after got home rode the trikes a little over 8 miles.  Lots of clouds - 70% humidity, but while we were riding had good breeze until the last mile or so.

Have spent quite a bit of time putting projected stops on the GPS for trip later this month north into Canada and then to the east, back in to Michigan and then back in to Canada a while and return to US in New York State -- visiting many friends and places in Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine and other states before swinging back west in the US.  Have made many improvements to the trailer -- storage shelves, hanging hooks, and altering the underneath storage area.  Added some shelving in the topper on the Pickup.  Put finishing touches on things week from today.

Later, Lynn

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